Our Philosophy: Programmatic SEO Done Right

In the online world, everyone wants to be seen and remembered by as many people as possible. At pSEO.services, we use the techniques of programmatic SEO to make sure your website becomes something that keeps shining for years to come.

What is Programmatic SEO?

Programmatic SEO or pSEO is a publishing method that helps users publish bulk pages based on a template. While some may perceive programmatic SEO as spam or low-value content, it’s really about how you implement the technique on the website.

Programmatic SEO ≠ AI content.

It’s completely optional to use AI, so programmatic SEO cannot be compared to AI-generated content.

Our Process:

We have a streamlined process for tackling small as well as larger programmatic SEO projects.

1. Research

The pSEO process starts with researching the site, the niche, and the business’s competitors. We spend significant amounts of time on the “research” process and make plans for what kind of pages we would create and the best approach to do that.

2. Planning and Implementation

Once we have a plan, we move to the next steps like sourcing data, creating page templates, handling images, and bulk publishing. Also, if required, we ask you multiple questions during the process to make sure we’re both on the same page.

3. User-Friendly Pages

We implement and do everything that is necessary to make the generated pages helpful and user-friendly, some things include:

  • Proper internal linking
  • Meta titles and descriptions
  • Schema markups
  • Good-looking design
  • Relevant images, etc.

4. Image Handling

Depending on the project, either we manually source images from multiple sources, write custom scripts to generate AI images, or generate template-based images with variables (texts and images). We have a complete setup for creating original and relevant images for each programmatic page.

Why WordPress?

WordPress is easy to set up and able to handle 1000s of pages with ease. There are also 100s of tools that can be integrated into WordPress, and that makes it the perfect choice for programmatic SEO.

Normally, we go with the WP All Import plugin to connect the database with the WordPress site, but also flexible to using any other tech stack that is best suited for the project. You have the option to choose how you would like your pages to look like as well — a simple blog post or a proper landing page.

Page Templates for Programmatic SEO

For blog post style programmatic pages, generally, no additional page builder plugin is required; but for landing page style programmatic pages, Elementor Pro or any other page builder that supports custom fields is required.

That’s it.

Our thorough research, planning, and implementation process ensures that your website stands out and attracts more visitors for years to come.

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